Pam Cook

Pam Cook


Pam Cook holds bachelor's and master's degrees in English from The University of Texas at Austin, and she has over two decades of experience in UT Austin's College of Natural Sciences and Cockrell School of Engineering. She held administrative and educational outreach director positions with three NSF-funded collaborative research centers and has worked with hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students on their writing and oral presentation skills. Pam particularly enjoys helping reluctant, uncertain writers learn to take pride and gain confidence in their ability to communicate clearly, efficiently, and effectively.

Ms. Pam Cook is available to help M-WET students with manuscript, thesis chapters, CV development, etc. She also provides language editing services for M-WET personnel at all M-WET institutions. Her services help accelerate publication speed. She reports to the M-WET Director.

Prior to publication, all M-WET supported manuscripts are examined by the Operations Manager, in consultation with the Director and other Research Coordination Committee (RCC) members as necessary, to review acknowledgements, authorship and manuscript scope relative to M-WET goals. Manuscripts and publications are archived on the M-WET website and reported to DOE.