Qingjun Zhu graduated from Zhejiang University (ZJU) with a M. S. in Chemical Engineering and Technology in 2016. While at ZJU, he conducted research under the supervision of Prof. Kun Cao and Prof. Zhen Yao in the State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering. His research focused on developing effective polymeric additives as flow improvers for heavy crude oils. After graduation, he moved to the University of Texas at Austin to pursue a Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering. He is jointly advised by Dr. Nathaniel A. Lynd and Dr. C.
Qingjun Zhu graduated from Zhejiang University (ZJU) with a M. S. in Chemical Engineering and Technology in 2016. While at ZJU, he conducted research under the supervision of Prof. Kun Cao and Prof. Zhen Yao in the State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering. His research focused on developing effective polymeric additives as flow improvers for heavy crude oils. After graduation, he moved to the University of Texas at Austin to pursue a Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering. He is jointly advised by Dr. Nathaniel A. Lynd and Dr. C. Grant Willson.
Research: Synthesis and directed self-assembly of high χ block copolymers for applications in lithography and polymer separators/electrolytes in lithium-ion batteries.
- Ph.D. Candidate, The University of Texas at Austin - Professors Nate Lynd and C. Grant Willson
- M.S., Zhejiang University (Chemical Engineering and Technology)